Each of us faces a unique challenge during COVID-19. This pandemic has had monumental effects on our collective health, connections with others, schools, employment, and daily life. Having faced such an abrupt shift to our routine in quarantine has left many feeling overwhelmed. Alongside the transition to e-learning for many students and growing worry for high-risk loved ones, coronavirus is taking a toll on mental health. When so many factors of our lives remain out of control, we should all make mental health a priority. Listed are multiple tips collected from credible sources to focus on your mental wellness during this strange and difficult time. What works for you may not work for somebody else, focus on trying tips that you believe could be personally beneficial to you and leave the rest. Take good care of yourself!
Ashley Stahl of Forbes Magazine writes, “Creativity reduces anxiety, depression, and stress… And it can also help you process trauma. Studies have found that writing helps people manage their negative emotions in a productive way, and painting or drawing helps people express trauma or experiences that they find too difficult to put into words.” Creative practices such as art have been shown to release stress and induce relaxation. Try your hand at painting, journaling, sculpting, sketching, or even sewing.
Make your mental and physical health a priority. As we are unable to follow our comfortable routines, it is easy to get sucked into the craziness of a day and forget to eat or drink. Make these things your focus or even build a “normal routine.” Practice sleeping at least 7 hours a day, eating at regular times, and staying hydrated throughout the day. Be kind to yourself!
One small benefit of quarantine is the advantage of time. If there is a skill you have always wanted to learn or a long-term project you are interested in starting, now is a great time. Doing so will keep your mind and body occupied with something interesting and if you learn a skill like coding or a language, it may even serve you in the long-run. Volunteering is also a fantastic use of time, a quick Google search will reveal hundreds of opportunities where you can make a real impact.
If you can, go outside once in a while! Even if it is just your backyard, going outside has multiple proven health benefits. Studies have shown being in nature reduces anger, fear, and stress while inducing more positive feelings and relaxation. Dr.Strauss of the Cambridge Health Alliance states, “Having something pleasant to focus on like trees and greenery helps distract your mind from negative thinking, so your thoughts become less filled with worry.” Enjoy some beautiful sights while reducing negative feelings!
Surrounding yourself with loved ones is a crucial part of wellbeing. Despite being physically distanced, technology allows us to maintain our relationships through phones, tablets, and laptops. Consider setting up video calls to be with others face-to-face or sending handwritten letters. Not only is it beneficial to others you’re communicating with, but it is helpful to regain some sense of normalcy, even if digital.
Modern society places an unhealthy emphasis on productivity. You are not obligated to do anything during this pandemic other than simply be. The enormous focus on productivity culture, especially in the United States, may lead you to feel guilty for relaxing during COVID-19. You do not have to use this time for anything other than just living. Seeing others learn entire languages, publicize an exercise regime, showcase new skills, and more may lend to feelings of guilt. Unlearn this guilt and remember that productivity never determines your value or importance. Be kind to yourself and others, you are under no obligation to do anything out of the ordinary. Instead of feeling obligated to “make the most” of COVID-19, listen to your mind and your body to do only what you feel is right.