I am extremely fortunate for the fact that throughout my life, I have never been subject to any form of discrimination or ill-treatment based on my race, gender, religion or socio-economic background, and that I was raised as an expat in an affluent family with access to quality education. Therefore I believe it is my duty(and a personal goal of mine) to advocate for, empower and fight for those who have not been as lucky.
A particular goal within this passion of mine is contributing positive change to the education
issue or the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, which provides equal access to quality
education for all. However, I believe change begins with a personal passion for learning. If one truly loves learning, one would wish others to have access to the means and resources to learn more about the world. I have a strong passion for lifelong learning, and therefore I founded The Sapien. The Sapien is a youth organization that offers the unique opportunity to engage in weekly discussions on humanity and society with students all over the world. As of now, we have reached secondary school and university students in over 20 countries. Our vision is to create a world in which youth from every geographic location can be connected and united through a shared passion for meaningful discussions and learning, while fostering a sensitivity to diverse perspectives of youth from every background and culture.
Our discussions are an open, friendly and non-judgmental space where everyone is encouraged to share their inputs, cultivate skills like public speaking, and learn about the topic at hand. When students join our sessions, not only are they participants of The Sapien, they become part of a close-knit community of friendly supportive youth united in a passion for learning. And this passion is the tiny spark that will ignite a flame in the participants to join the fight for SDG 4.
To find out more about The Sapien, please check out the website and social media: Website: https://www.thesapienyouthorg.com/
Email: thesapien.co@gmail.com
Instagram: @thesapien_org
Facebook: The Sapien
Twitter: @thesapien_org
Discord: https://discord.gg/fXrQFvZHVs
