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Jun 11, 2021
It Starts With Passion by Natalie Magness
"The Sapien is a youth org. that offers the unique opportunity to engage in weekly discussions on humanity and society with students..."

Jun 11, 2021
An album review from a clueless non-music person: "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not"
An album review from a clueless non-music person: "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not" by the Arctic Monkeys

Jun 10, 2021
Construction of Identity: My identity in comparison to the identity of a character in a film
Essay: "I will be discussing how a character's the movie, Little Miss Sunshine (2006), compares to mine..."

Apr 23, 2021
Scammy's V.S BTS
"The diversity in the Grammy’s should not be coming from a place of getting more ratings or just being exempt from being called out..."

Apr 23, 2021
A Monthly Reset
"By identifying what you benefited from versus what didn’t help you, you can begin to ask yourself how to adjust accordingly..."

Apr 8, 2021
Feeling stuck in a routine? You're not alone. Here are some tips that can help.
"...Eat and sleep. This routine gets kind of old, doesn’t it?"

Apr 7, 2021
The Difference Between Body Positivity and Body Neutrality
"It’s no secret that our society thrives on a hierarchy of external appearance."

Apr 7, 2021
Advice - Closure is a Myth
"So, forgive who you’d like to. Forgive yourself always."

Mar 11, 2021
100 Books of Solitude: My Reading Journey in 2020
"I have been an avid consumer of books since I was first taught to read, but in 2020 I experimented with that reading for the first time..."

Mar 11, 2021
The Unfortunate Advent of “Either/Or”: Sorority Noise`s “Joy, Departed”
"For too long, artists in the genre have been treating these problems as something to be proud of..."
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