Opinion piece by Samantha Russell
“Stand tall for our Country and our flag,” says our President (Donald Trump), but what does that mean we are standing for? Is it for freedom and equality? Perhaps that is what we have all been taught to believe, but one look at the modern media clearly claims overwise. Each day, black men and women are being killed at the hands of “trained” officers, and children are surviving in cages stuck at the border, ripped apart from their families- yes, innocent children. Homosexuality is still too often shamed upon, and women are being harassed and attacked by these “alpha” men with way too much audacity. He says, “Make America Great Again,” but when was it great? When people could own slaves? When women were not able to vote? This country has only been getting better in terms of liberty to all, yet our President seems to be against most positive change. So what are we standing for? Is it his transphobic tendencies, as he bans all those who are transgender from the military? Or is it the gender inequality, as he sides against abortion and blatantly sexualizes women? Or maybe we are standing for the everlasting racial discrimination in America, as innocent black lives continue to be taken and attacked every single day. The rights of women and minorities are being decided by those who do not experience what they do, people who will be unaffected by their choice, and that in itself is just not right. America is not great, and I am not proud of where it is right now. It is leading in cases of Covid-19, but our President makes a mockery of the situation instead. Our country is burning to the ground, but, oh, it’s still only a hoax, right? So, he can do all that, but I will not stand for it, and I know many others will not as well. I stand for all, and if not equality for all, I shall sit.
