I'm not very good with words
I used to think I was though
I used to be so passionate about writing
I still am, just not as much
Now I get frustrated when I write
Now I doubt my skills
Now I cry when a sentence sounds wrong
Now writing can be a chore
People say I'm talented
People say I'm good at it
People say I will go places with my writing
People say to persevere
How can I do that when I don't believe in myself?
Writing is a release
Writing is a career
Writing is a passion
Writing is so many things
But it shouldn't be difficult
Melbourne, Australia

The writer of this poem’s name is Isabella Rados. She is 15 and in year 10. Isabella is passionate about writing and performing. She is currently working on various poems and a novel she is hoping to someday publish. She acts and sings and has performed in multiple shows and concerts/ competitions. Isabella hopes to become a performer/writer or a psychologist and is still young and growing as a person so she is focusing more on studying and working hard on things she loves. She loves sitcoms and cartoons and that is how she spends her free time (when she isn’t writing or singing)! catching up on the next episode of her favourite shows!