Like a pigeon I must fly
From one messenger to the next.
My wings graze the skies,
My breath
The beating of my heart
In an endless cycle
Trapped in between each stroke of my wings.
I forgot what this space felt like.
How freeing,
It was.
I tried to find a way out,
I did.
But being yours, I had a task.
I had an obligation.
I had a purpose set by you.
Like everything around me,
I breathed in life,
And knew Death.
She prays I don't see her.
She hopes that I am not worthy to be in her presence.
You always wanted me.
You brought me to life but I knew where you really wanted me to go.
Back to you.
Like a pigeon I'll return.
And in my beak,
Or drawn around my leg,
My soul
Will be held.
I'll knock upon your window,
Ask if you are ready to see me now.
If you're ready,
Be done and
Let me
She doesn't want to see me,
She threw me back to you.
I don't know if I want you.
Send me away.
I'll send her my message.
Tell her that you fell every time she tried to rise.
I'll find my way back.
I promise.
