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Poetry- Perplexity

When the moment comes,

You know what comes with it.

You sit down, somewhere where you’re comfortable,

Because you know you feel safe there.

You make sure it’s somewhere safe,

At a place where no one can touch you.

You make sure it’s quiet enough,

So that you’re the only one who’s gonna be heard.

You make a friend is with you.

You need to know you’re on the right side.

You know that a friend will always point out your mistakes.

You know that they’ll understand what you say,

Because you couldn’t have it any other way.

They are your friend.

You shift from one position to another.

Right leg crossed, or left leg?

Something in your hand or not?

You try to find what works best for you.

And when that’s decided,

(Not that you had to put much thought into it)

You begin to start drawing your introductions.

And then,

Just as quickly as you sat down,

You’d forgotten what you came to say.

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