Across every screen,
and underneath the details
of every scene,
the dancers in pictures make their moves heard.
I have watched so many over the course of so many years,
seen how many of them had broken their bones,
or fractured their arms,
or pulled muscles
or split skulls
or dislocated their shoulders;
all for the purpose of a hungry crowd.
I have watched pools of sweat descend down their faces,
and waterfalls spill from their eyes
and entire volcanoes erupting on their cheeks;
but they showed no care ever.
Every muscle tightened at a hint of guilt,
every pulsation of the heart aligned itself
with how a boxer hit his bag.
The rhythm goes on and on until
you're completely invested.
Until every cent is gone from your pocket,
or until every emotion in you has been exploited
or until you can no longer hold your breath
or until you can no longer feel any sensation in your joints...
that's it...
there's the rub.
You start moving like a movie,
and soon,
everyone else joins your dance.
