Starry Nights
One night
I remember
I was laying
On the ground
Of the field
Not far from home
Staring at the Stars
In the dark black night
About stars
How precious they are
How small yet large they radiate
In the dark night sky
The grass under me tickled
My legs uncovered
In a sports skirt
And tank top
My black curls
Blending into the dark grass
Can you wait?
I asked the stars
As they pulled my eyes closer
And closer
Can you wait for me?
They glistened
Yes, come on, we're waiting for you
I held my hand up
Trying to capture the stars
But none came
Only a firefly
Got trapped
In my palm
I remember
What Mama had told me
About the Japanese culture
And the concept of Ikigai
The idea
That even broken
Looked beautiful
The more shattered
Worn out
Something appeared
Or felt
The more beautiful it is
I wonder
If people are like that
If a person
Was falling apart
And having trouble
With so much
That I couldn't even imagine
That made them priceless
And wonderous
Is the reason
For one's being
Their purpose
And to me
That was magical
Mirror Reality
A painting
Two mannequins
One helping the other
With care
In the mirror
The mannequin are in color
Different from reality
In truth
The mannequin
Are dull colors
Light brown
Shades and tints
Of melancholy
But in the mirror
In the parallel universe
In the fantasized life
Everything is in color
Everything is exactly
The way it's supposed to be
With mirrors-two way glasses
Serve as visionaries
Our reality
Where we are the mannequins
Wanting to see ourselves
Somewhere else
Somewhere incredible
