All my memories in winter came,
Some good, some bad, yet all the same:
Smiles, good fun, and conversations
Didn't make peace with countless expectations.
Broken glasses from champagne,
Books and papers all foolishly lain.
Across the couches and the floor,
Guess I hadn't noticed, you were by the door.
A sullen expression rested upon your face,
As if you remembered how I wrapped you in lace.
How easily I tied bows and knots,
There was no time for do's or do nots.
My present you gave wrapped in fine silk,
It’s soft like honey and sweet buttermilk.
My jewels and diamonds you placed in my palm,
Now this storm had reached its calm.
But when you entered, at last, winter appeared,
And instead of being joyful, you sinfully sneered.
I found my memories of a better place locked in my heart,
But of course, your hand worked its cruel art.
You destroy what you touch without a care,
You touch all souls and them you ensnare.
All my memories in winter come,
But now, you are beyond that: and we're done.
You knew I also played an equal part,
You'd known it, you'd seen it, right from the start.
I had a motive, and sure, I played unfair,
But it had been too easy, for me to sit by the stair.
While you played your games and had your fun,
I was sitting, awaiting the rays of the sun.
You a villain, made a villain of me,
And thus everything you touch,
Becomes still and can't flee.
You overshadow, sneer at and steer,
Those whose proof to you comes clear.
You wield a snowstorm in your being,
But your costume had us all wrongly seeing.
For you soul is beastly, and I, the beast I'll tame,
But fortitude fades, and thus I remain.
Ruined and tossed aside for a better penny,
I hadn't had good thoughts, I hadn't had any.
You cast me away into a world I will not bear,
But thank God I won't see you, or I'll share
This tale that I've told everyone here.
Now listen close,
A siren is near.
