When the day breaks,
a shy shadow awakes.
I, its keeper, follow
and my own guilt I swallow.
I know from the morning light
things must be mended and done right.
I know in my soul that was once my own
I am in search of a bright blue home.
I had seen it in my dreams,
its colour like teary streams.
I feel its warmth as I pass through.
I know I must stay, but I seemingly move.
A heart is carried in the home,
and in its tight dome
it beats and beats the dreary walls
and waits until I answer it calls.
I am pushed into the open space
where my arms are free yet lack grace.
I am moved by the sound of running water
and I look forward to see a mother.
She beckons me to follow her,
and I look around, just to be sure.
I have lost enough in these deep lifeless places.
Now, I've finally found my good graces.
The home, bright and blue,
was enough to carry me and you.
From what I could tell, it was more than enough.
It wasn't a trick; it was no bluff.
But the shadow was restless and it wasn't pleased.
"Leave now and go on," she evily teased.
I couldn't do it, I paid her no heed.
I didn't consider her, I had no need.
For I had found my haven, good and secure.
Nothing could destroy it, of this I was sure.
Who would want to diminish a colour so bright?
Who would waste away in the colourless night?
I stay in the blue home filled with light,
and in this conviction, I knew I was right.
