Sitting out in the hot, summer sun
Was always a hobby of mine
Becoming one with nature by staring
At the lively, welcoming forest surrounding my house.
Every time, I would have a slice of watermelon in my sweaty hand
Taking a bite every few minutes.
Savoring the sweet, coral red part and the tart white strip while it melts on my
It became tradition for me to never waste any watermelon, no matter the taste.
But this time was different.
There was no forest to look at, no wildlife to listen to,
Even the sun was hiding behind the dark and thick smoke.
I was left standing alone. In the middle of a flowerless, dead field that used to
belong to me,
Thinking if it was worth it.
To give up my watermelon filled days, complete with joy and peace and bliss
To give up what used to be my home.
Just for some useless, worn, green paper.
And the possibility of a fresh start.
Oh, how I want to go back!
Before selling my house and letting a metal hellhole build itself
Disrupting Earth’s beautiful cycle
Disrupting my cycle.
Every time I eat a slice of watermelon,
I can’t help but feel guilty
For ruining what used to be my happy place.
Of her piece, Alisa writes,
"My inspiration was how nature is being destroyed by human pollution."
