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Aug 27, 2020
Demographics, Intentions, and the Death of the Author: How (Not) To Kill Your Characters
"The Death of the author..was first introduced by French literary critic Roland Barthes..the theory was ground-breakingly unorthodox..."

Aug 27, 2020
Poetry- a drawing by Aaryana Sharma
"...Looking at only beauty in pain..A mouth..Half shut in obedience..The other half pouring out in liberation..."

Aug 27, 2020
Short Story-On Being Nostalgic for the Worst Time in my Life
"...“Hello?” she says when I click the green button. I`m not sure why she still calls me. I`m not
sure why I still answer..."

Aug 24, 2020
Sustainability: 10 small steps we can take at home to help the environment
"...This article will provide you with ten suggestions that you can take to ensure that you are working towards a better future..."

Aug 21, 2020
Subtitles are Breaking Down Barriers in Cinema
"...Films set in a different country, or a different language, expose audiences to different cultures..."

Aug 21, 2020
Artwork- “Not all heroes wear capes” by Saara Lunawat
Text reads, "They give up their lives to save ours!" Made with watercolors

Aug 21, 2020
Artwork- "Sponge Flowers" & "The Space Between" by Sophia Brady
Artwork by Sophia Brady

Aug 17, 2020
The Psychology of Bias
"...Allow me to introduce you to the concept of an alief. Aliefs are essentially subconscious
belief-like states..."

Aug 17, 2020
Poetry- Gallery Walk by Sarah Frank
"...I am Monet’s waterlilies and you are Seurat's Sunday Afternoon, posed side by side in a gallery
of people who only mildly care..."
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